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There was a great storm but he was asleep. Print edition


There was a great storm but he was asleep.

Fine art print

A4. 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

All prints are signed by the artist.



There was a great storm but he was asleep.

Fine art print

A4. 8.3 x 11.7 inches.

All prints are signed by the artist.

In the Bible, there is a well-known story of Jesus falling asleep on a boat while crossing the Sea of Galilee with his disciples. As they were making their way across the sea, a great storm arose, causing the disciples to fear for their lives. Despite the chaos and danger surrounding them, Jesus slept peacefully in the boat. This story illustrates the unshakable faith and trust that Jesus had in God’s protection and providence.

The disciples, on the other hand, panicked and woke Jesus, pleading with him to save them from the storm. In response, Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea, calming the storm and demonstrating his power over nature. This miraculous event not only showcased Jesus’ divine authority, but also served as a powerful reminder of the importance of having faith and trust in God, even in the midst of adversity and uncertainty.

This story of Jesus asleep on a boat serves as a powerful lesson for believers today. Just as Jesus calmed the storm for his disciples, we can find peace and comfort in knowing that God is always in control, even when our circumstances seem overwhelming. By placing our trust in God and surrendering our worries and fears to him, we can experience the same sense of peace and security that Jesus demonstrated on that boat crossing the Sea of Galilee.



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